1. 何家英简历

        2. 何家英,1957年出生于天津,自幼喜爱画画,1977年考入天津美术学院绘画系学习中国画,1980年毕业后留校任教,擅长工笔人物。现为中国美协副主席、天津美协副主席、天津画院院长、当代工笔画协会副会长、天津美院教授、硕士生导师、中国艺术研究院博士生导师。获国家“有突出贡献的中青年专家”称号。代表作品有《桑露》、《魂系马嵬》、《酸葡萄》、《十九秋》、《秋冥》、《山地》等。多次参加全国美展并获银奖,当代工笔画学会大展金奖和一等奖。其作品风格严谨精致、朴素大方,造型准确,善于描绘处于静态的人物内心世界,具有完美的格局和象征性。

            Born in Tianjin. Graduated from Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts in 1980, and later remained as a member of the faculty. He was interested in painting since he was a child. He is famous for his meticulous detail style figure painting. His works have won many awards including Second Prize in“2nd National Young Artists Exhibition” in 1980, First Prize in “3rd Tianjin Young Artists Exhibition” in 1983; Grand Prize at both the “First Contemporary Gongbi Study Group Exhibition” and the “Chinese and Japanese Painting Exhibition” in 1988; Silver Medal at the prestigious “7th National Fine Arts Exhibition” in 1989; First Class Prize in the 1991 “Second Contemporary Gongbi Study Group Exhibition ”; and Silver Prize at the“First National Chinese Figure Painting Exhibition”, as well as“Most Popular Award” in National Fine Arts Exhibition in 2003. He has participated in significant exhibitions such as “Fine Arts Critics Choice Exhibition” in 1993. Besides he also held solo exhibitions in Macau and Guangzhou in 1994, as well as in Hong Kong five years later. In addition, he took part in exhibitions in France and other European countries in 2000. One year after, he participated in two exhibitions in Brazil. Besides, he also presented numerous solo exhibitions within China. He is currently on the committee of the Chinese Artists' Association, Vice-Chair of the Contemporary Gongbi Painting Society and Graduate Studies professor at the Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts.

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